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Chill Pool

A new addition to the Pine Hill is The Chill Pool with a sprawling 240sq.m water surface area.  This is an exclusive new pool with swim-up rooms and a swim-up bar, The Chill Bar.

At The Chill Pool we have a minimum spend per day (purely for drinks and food), there is no maximum spend!  There are no hidden or extra charges for facilities provided.  These facilities include only 15-20 luxurious,wider, even higher quality sunbeds  than we are already renowned for , towels, four swim-up terraces, three cabanas and our amazing main feature, a hot Jacuzzi tub, for cooler season weather with a 4m radius and with the temperature regulated according to weather conditions.

This area, whilst having its own swim-up bar, offering a wide range of delicious cocktails and drinks made with only premium spirits and ingredients, can also be serviced for food by our Reef Bar Bistro & Club right to you.

We have created an area which is relaxed and spacious but not overcrowded.  The cabanas and sunbeds can be reserved through reception, and the reasons behind the minimum spend and reservation is to restrict numbers to ensure you can enjoy a relaxed and serene area where you can choose to spend your entire day at your leisure.  Please be aware that the Chill Pool and Bar are highly popular areas so book in advance to ensure your reservation.  We have found that this area, once tried, has been the favourite for our guests, therefore we cannot guarantee availability without advance reservation.

This area can also be reserved for private functions or parties.

Open from 8am to 8pm.  These can be changed with the agreement of management for private functions.